When you are ignoring your oral health, you can experience an assortment of health problems in the future. First, it is important to brush and floss each day to avoid having cavities in your teeth or inflammation in your gums. In addition, oral hygiene can prevent halitosis that is embarrassing and offensive. Keeping your mouth clean may also keep you from having a coated tongue or palate that is covered with bacteria. If you aren’t brushing and flossing along with using mouthwash, then the bacteria in your mouth can enter your tonsils, throat or esophagus, leading to additional infections. The bacteria can also enter your bloodstream, leading to deeper infections in your internal organs.
Consume a Nutritious Diet
Oral health includes consuming a nutritious diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins along with low-fat dairy foods. You should avoid eating sticky foods that can damage your teeth, and you should also avoid soft drinks that can cause tooth decay. When your teeth are close together or overlapping, removing food debris and bacteria is difficult, but you can buy an oral irrigator to blast away these items to protect your teeth from damage.
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While this will help your teeth and gums to remain healthier, if you have dental malocclusions, then visiting an orthodontist to have your teeth straightened is essential. If you have misaligned teeth, then it can lead to several problems, including making it difficult to chew food along with brushing and flossing your teeth. With an examination, you can learn if you have mild, moderate or serious dental malocclusions of your teeth. The types of malocclusions that you have can determine what type of braces or aligners that you can wear.
Adults and teenagers can wear clear plastic aligners or braces, but children can only wear braces. You would receive 20 to 30 sets of aligners to repair the misalignments of your teeth. If you must wear braces, then you might prefer ceramic braces that have color-matching ceramic brackets. Additional braces include devices that have self-ligating wires or traditional braces that are affordable. You can improve your oral health with braces or aligners. To learn more about orthodontic treatment, feel free to reach out to the professionals at Central Texas Orthodontics. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. We are conveniently located in Austin, TX. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!