Dental care while you are pregnant is essential to protect your gums and teeth from a variety of detrimental problems. Pregnant women have drastic changes in their hormone levels, leading to changes inside the mouth. These changes can lead to having excessive acidic saliva that can damage the enamel on the teeth or having problems with irritation of the soft tissues of the mouth. In addition, some women have morning sickness that can lead to vomiting at any time of the day, and the acids in vomit can also damage the enamel on teeth along with causing gum disease. As a woman progresses in her pregnancy, she will gain weight, and this can lead to having teeth that become loose or change position in the gums. A pregnant woman may notice that her teeth are more sensitive or that her gums are swollen and red. After brushing and flossing, the gums might bleed, and this is a frightening experience for a pregnant woman.
Brush and Floss Your Teeth Frequently
When it comes to dental care, all pregnant women should brush and floss their teeth to remove food debris that can lead to tooth decay and gingivitis. During pregnancy, brushing and flossing frequently can reduce the problems caused by the acids in saliva or vomit. Keeping the mouth healthy can prevent problems that require treatment. While you are pregnant, you may not want to have X-rays taken, and you may not want to undergo any dental surgeries, so if you care for your teeth, then you probably won’t need to have any major dental procedures. In addition to flossing and brushing, you can use an oral irrigator to remove pathogens from the mouth. You should also drink a lot of water to remove the acids from your teeth and oral tissues. In addition to eating a healthy diet for the growing infant, you should care about your own nutrition so that your teeth remain strong. Avoid eating or drinking a lot of sugary foods that can encourage bacterial growth inside your mouth.
Consult an Expert About Toothaches or Loose Teeth
If you are experiencing pain while brushing, then switch to a toothbrush with softer bristles and buy toothpaste that is formulated with desensitizing ingredients. When the discomfort continues, you should visit a professional. When you have loose teeth, a dentist can make appliances such as retainers, but you can also begin orthodontic treatment with braces to avoid losing any teeth.
To learn more about dental care during your pregnancy, talk to our specialist at Central Texas Orthodontics in Austin, TX. Contact our office today to book an appointment.